Editorial by Henley accuses Brodkey and Slatin of pushing a one-sided curriculum that will not achive the goals they claim for it. Henley, Geoff. "Brodkey's 'Diversity' Only One-Sided." _Daily Texan_ 10 October 1990, p. 4
Columnist Klos asserts that Alan Gribben is "not worth the effort" of hating or loving, because he is interested in self-promotion more than any real political or apolitical ideology.
Conner, a former PhD candidate in the UT English department, writes to agree with Gribben about the department's lack of tolerance for different viewpoints. He recounts that, as an out LGBT student activist, he was treated cruelly and discriminatorily by English department faculty and eventually forced to withdraw from the program.
Peña, Mark. "E 306 Demise a Victory for All." _Daily Texan_ 8 April 1991, p. 4
Three editorials expressing opinions on the controversy over the E 306 Writing About Difference curriculum.p. 4
Brodkey and Slatin article is Part Two of a two-part editorial in support of the change in E 306 curriculum. p. 4
Yioutas letter to the editor complains that the August 30 panel discussion hosting student leaders was monopolized by discussion of multiculturalism and E 306.
Editorial from Duban criticizing the changes to E 306 curriculum. p. H3
Bezanson, a UT student, criticizes humanities departments for their retroactive applications of modern Marxist, Freudian, multicultural, and feminist theory to classic works. He suggests such theoretical interpretation does not encourage students to accept responsibility. Bezanson ends by asserting that students want to learn something "real."
Guest column by UT Austin philosophy professor Kellner accusing right wing activists of coordinating and assault on the new 306 curriculum. Kellner, Douglas. "Right Wingers on the March Against Cultural Reform," _Daily Texan_ 27 September 1990, p. 5
Editorial from Professors Heinzelman and Saldivar criticizing the decision to postpone E 306 curriculum changes. p. 4
Describes a speech by Cunningham to parents of prospective students in which he downplays the E 306 controversy and labor issues that also relate to the teaching of writing. Huang, Jenny & David Loy. "Speech to Parents Avoids Controversy." _Daily Texan_ 29 October 1990, pp. 1-2
Tran, Tini. "External Influences Cited in E 396 Tabling." _Daily Texan_ 26 February 1991, pp. 1-2
Henley, Geoff. "Incompetence, Not Intrigue, Killed Proposed E 306 Revisions." _Daily Texan_ 27 March 1991, p. 4
Montfort, Nick. "Putting a Spin on Orientation." _Daily Texan_ 20 June 1995, p. 5.
This article discusses new parts of first-year orientation including a session on “Campus Culture Wars” featuring Horn and Ruszkiewicz.
Editorial in the form of an open letter protesting "attacks" on Brodkey, especially those of Henley, and undersigned by forty members of the English Department faculty. "A Statement of Academic Concern. " _The Daily Texan_ 15 October 1990, p. 6
A riposte to the July statement opposing E 306 Writing About Difference. Many English faculty support the revised version of the course and object to its cancellation.
Daily Texan staff writer Bosco outlines remarks given by Gribben on a visit to UT's campus after Gribben left UT for the University of Alabama. In his remarks, Gribben compares political correctness to issues such as McCarthyism and the Vietnam War and encourages students to express dissatisfaction with course content. He goes on to accuse UT of character assassination.
Article describes how Daily Texan discovered through open records requests to Kruppa that Gribben and National Association of Scholars had served as sources for _Polemicist_ articles. Siemplenski, Janel. "E 306 Advocates Claim Foul Play: 'Polemicist' Says Gribben Served as Anonymous Source for Columns." 27 November 1990, p. 6
News article reporting on student perceptions of the E 306 curriculum controversy. p. 5
Editorial from Gribben criticizing E 306 curriculum changes. p. 4
Daily Texan staff writer Eric Feistel reports on the recent re-formation of the Austin chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), which had disbanded in 1986. John Ruszkiewicz is quoted expressing his belief that the AAUP has re-formed for political reasons and asserting that he will be joining to ensure more balanced representation. An unnamed professor and former chair of the AAUP echoes Ruszkiewicz's concerns and accuses the group of not inviting him to a recent meeting. Kurt Heinzelman, English professor and AAUP chapter president, calls such allegations "absurd," but admits the group has re-formed in response to the E 306 debate over political correctness. Robert King and Larry Carver are also mentioned.
An interview with President William Cunningham about the decision to delay decisions on E 306 curriculum change. pp. 1-2
Editorial expressing opinion that E 306 Writing About Difference should be attempted before being canceled. p. 4
Williamson, Kevin. "'Dictatorship of Virtue' Rehashes old Multicultural Platforms." _Daily Texan_ 9 December 1994, p. 10.
Williamson reviews Bernstein’s book with attention to the chapter on E 306 controversy, saying the portrayal of Ruszkiewicz as the lone Republican is heroic.
Nehring article seeks to correct statements from "Conference Discusses E 306 Changes" article previously run in _The Daily Texan_. Nehring, Neil. "Conference Misrepresented." _Daily Texan_ 1 October 1990, p. 4
Editorial critiquing the pushback to E 306 curriculum change, and arguing that university curriculum is already inherently political. pp. 10 & 19
News article announcing the changes to E 306 curriculum, with quotes from Kruppa, Brodkey, Kaulbach, and Hammons. p. 1