Noble, Justin. "Faigley Prepares for New English Division Startup." _Daily Texan_ 22 April 1993, p. 1.
Front-page article about the DRC with emphasis on the new courses that will be offered and the role of the Computer Writing and Research Lab. Faigley and Trimble are quoted.
Ratfliff notes that the Lesser memo scandal has produced extreme reactions from both sides of the political spectrum: the left seeing it as a way for the University to weed out provisional students, the right seeing it as a way for professors to impose their political standards. He argues that the brouhaha is yet another example of why a Division of Rhetoric and Composition should be created. He writes that in an ideal world, this would separate competing interests instead of pitting them against one another, although he warns that a DRC should not become a means by which Dean King can divert funding from English literature.
Ratliff, George. "Changes Necessary for English Program." Daily Texan, 30 July 1992, p. 4
Vinokur, Marina. "University Adds Writing Courses for Undergrads." _Daily Texan_ 25 June 1994, p. 5.
This article announces four new DRC courses and two expended courses in response to the call for more undergraduate writing classes. Faigley, Ruszkiewicz, and Buckley are quoted.
Examines possibility of new departmental organization to account for writing faculty and instruction. Presents the team's argument in favor for and against an administrative unit devoted to teaching writing.
Team members include Beer, Renwick, Rodi, Simon, and Walter.
Draft of letter from many English Department faculty protesting recent college decisions regarding governance and voting rights.
Report on the announcement of the possibility of a new Division of Rhetoric and Composition. Kruppa is quoted opposing the proposal, calling it an unsound idea. Williamson notes that the University of Minnesota and Berkeley both have separate rhetoric departments.
Williamson, Kevin. "English Department Could be Redesigned." Daily Texan, 10 June 1992, pp. A1-A2
With a new E 306 panel grading system resulting in low essay grades, the Daily Texan casts doubt on the English department's methodology. Citing its past history in promoting ideological texts, this article wonders if political leanings are affecting grades. The author calls for increased scrutiny of E 306 and the establishment of an independent Department of Rhetoric and Composition.
Frank, Johanna. "Writing Shifts to New Division." _Daily Texan_ 2 September 1992, pp. 1 & 6
Editorial celebrating the creation of the DRC. The authors compare the split with English to the Glorious Revolution and commend the separation of writing and "criticism."
"Rhetoric Division will Restore UT Writing Standards." Daily Texan, 2 Sept 1992, p. 4
Reports that a group of English faculty are creating a committee to investigate the unanswered questions about the institution of the DRC.
Causey, Gigi. "Committee Created to Clarify Rhetoric Division." Daily Texan, 21 Sept 1992
English department professors, including Kinneavy, are reported to consider the DRC proposal an attempt to wrest autonomy from the English faculty. They question whether the president has the authority to create a new division.
Woodruff, Thea. "Professors Claim New Department is Authority Breech." Daily Texan, 3 September 1992, p. 1
Article outlining the discussion of the DRC at a University Council meeting where Durbin raised concerns about the level of faculty involvement in the Division's creation.
Fleming, Christy. "Council Questions New English Division Plans." Daily Texan, 22 September 1992, p. 5
Editorial urging the University Council to endorse the DRC. The authors claim the DRC will improve writing instruction and position English faculty objections as selfish concern for political turf.
"University Council Mustn't Hold up Rhetoric Division." Daily Texan, 19 October 1992, p. 4
Reports that the Faculty Senate is drafting questions about the formation of the DRC to be submitted to the University Council.
Bailey, Todd. "Faculty Still Questioning Writing Division Proposal." Daily Texan, 7 October, 1992, p. 8
Despite a looming deadline, the committee charged with giving recommendations about the new DRC has yet to be formed. Kruppa's appointments include Carton, Ruszkiewicz, and Kinneavy, but representatives from outside of English have yet to be named. Carton voices his opinion that the June 1, 1993 deadline should be suspended.
Gainer, Anne. "Committee Still Unformed." Daily Texan, 30 October 1992, p. 5
Concerns continue about the DRC and the advisory committee remains unformed.
Fleming, Christy. "Faculty Senate Airs Concerns over New Writing Division." Daily Texan, 20 October 1992.
The Daily Texan presents side-by-side two opinion pieces on undergraduate writing instruction. Beer, who left the English department to coordinate technical communication for Engineering, asserts that literature professors are unwilling and unable to teach technical writing, and that departments that require technical writing deserve better.
Carton suggests the creation of the DRC was an empty public relations move that will not substantively improve first-year writing. To do so, he suggests, would involve a serious institutional commitment including an end to E 306 exemptions and higher writing standards outside of the English department.
Beer, David. "Literary Specialists Unable to Handle Technical Writing." _Daily Texan_ 4 November 1992.
Carton, Evan. "New Division has Nothing to Offer Writing Education." _Daily Texan_ 4 November 1992.
Sledd, James. "Division Just Rhetoric." _Daily Texan_ 15 Jan 1993, p. 5.
James Sledd’s letter to the editor, saying the DRC is an administrative solution to a teaching problem--faculty don’t want to teach writing, so they leave it to precarious lecturers and graduate employees.
Report that the University Council has accepted the Faculty Senate's proposal for a committee to investigate undergraduate writing. King insists the DRC is on track to launch despite the new committee. Howard Nirken, Student Association president, urges the community to move on.
Alaniz, John. "Rhetoric Division Faces Scrutiny by New Committee." Daily Texan, 17 November 1992, p. 6.
Noble, John. "Faigley to be Named Chair of Rhetoric Division." _Daily Texan_ 14 January 1993
This article announces that Lester Faigley has been chosen as the first director of the Division of Rhetoric and Writing. Carton, Kruppa and Faigley are quoted.
Report of the disagreement in the English department over the announcement of the DRC. Concerns are set to be discussed at the University Council meeting.
Brooks, Phillips. "UT Council to Hear English Department Plan for Division." Austin American-Statesmanm 21 September 1992.
Shaw, Mark. "English 346K Abolished as Deans Plan New Requirement." _Daily Texan_ 18 February 1986, p. 5
This article reports that the university Deans decided to delete the E346K course requirement altogether.
Quoted: Gerhard Fonken, UT vice president, and Joe Kruppa, associate chair English, and Wayne Danielson (journalism professor). Other topics mentioned: E 309K, E 309L, E 309M, and staffing writing courses.
Reber, Thomas. "E 309 Planned Differently From Original Departmental Proposal." _Daily Texan_ 5 March 1986, p. 4
This opinion article, written by an Assistant Instructor in English, explains how the English faculty decided to make E 309 a required class, questions the English Department's ability to staff enough E 309 courses, criticizes the proposed crash courses to be offered by the Writing Lab, and rebuts Gribben's criticisms of E 306.
Lai, Thanhha. "E 306 Controversy Continues." _Daily Texan_ 22 January 1986, p. 7
This article reports that E306 will be around for another year, despite “a proposal to drop it,” but E346K will have to wait for its possible revival. Kruppa and Kinneavy are quoted.
The document is a news article from the Daily Texan on an alternative plan to restructure the Writing program. The structure of the program and comments by Kruppa, Kinneavy, and Ruszkiewicz are covered.