An unnamed writer's list of points of difference with three faculty—Slatin, Kinneavy, and Ferreira-Buckley—about the DRC and what it should do. Differences include opinions on the minimum appointment amount for executive committee eligibility, concerns about staffing, and criticism of the English department.
A collection of course proposals from various people for the DRC:
E 306, E 309K (two variants: Writing about Literature and Writing about Popular Culture), E 309L The Writing Process, E 309M Thinking and Writing (Two Versions: Writing and Technology and Classical Rhetoric), E 309Msp (a course for students who test out of E 306), E 319, E 325M
A memo from Joseph Kruppa introducing a letter from William Cunningham. The letter explains Cunningham's intention to form an autonomous academic unit dedicated to writing instruction (DRC) and includes a proposal that details the unit's function.
A memo from Joe Kruppa (English Department Chair) introducing and circulating a progress report detailing the work done by the Committee on the Division of Rhetoric, with the full report attached, which briefly details the committee's deliberations and points of agreement.
9 February 1993 cover memo from Kruppa introducing a progress report from the Committee on the Division of Rhetoric. Attached is the 28 January memo, redated 2 February, with few changes.
A list of goals for a new academic unit devoted to writing instruction, also including ideas about "collegiality" with the English Department, courses that could be offered, the SWC initiative, writing labs, an honors concentration, and a graduate program.
A memo calling a meeting to discuss the possible impacts of the new DRC on the English Department graduate program.
A memo asking President Livingston to address certain concerns about the DRC, particularly the director's control over faculty appointments within the division . The writer, a mathematics professor, is chair of the Committee of Counsel on Academic Freedom and Responsibility.
A list of discussion points for a meeting with John Ruszkiewicz, Lester Faigley, Linda Ferreira-Buckley, and James Kinneavy about the potential for the Division of Rhetoric and Composition. Points focus on the benefits of a "clean slate" and the division's commitment to being a high-profile scholarly program.
A memo from Ruszkiewicz proposing a question for Dean Robert King at the upcoming College of Liberal Arts Faculty meeting (3 may 1985); Ruszkiewicz's question is about William Sutherland's suggestion that the dean might form a separate Division of Composition.
A letter handwritten on hotel stationary, thanking Rusziewicz for the opportunity to give e lecture during new teacher orientation, listing expenses for reimbursement, and expressing condolences over recent departmental problems.
A complete syllabus for an upper-division writing course offered by the Department of Rhetoric and Writing
A complete syllabus for an upper-division writing class offered to undergraduate peer tutors in the Undergraduate Writing Center at the University of Texas at Austin
A complete syllabus for a lower-division writing course at the University of Texas at Austin
A complete syllabus for an upper-division writing course offered in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing
A complete syllabus for RHE 310 Intermediate Writing, a lower-division writing course offered in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing
A complete syllabus for an early upper-division course taught in the Division of Rhetoric and Composition.
A personal letter thanking Ruszkiewicz congratulating him on the publication of The _Presence of Others_. Fitzmaurice also comments on the state of campus politics at UT and the recent establishment of the DRC.
King, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, writes Ruszkiewicz and Faigley congratulating them and naming them the new director and associate director of the DRC.
Megaw writes to thank John Ruszkiewicz for participating in the new instructor orientation. A schedule of the orientation is attached with Ruszkiewicz's session circled: “Practical Tips on Teaching Writing.”