Freshman English Policy Committee Agenda 25 March 1983



Freshman English Policy Committee Agenda 25 March 1983
Report from Textbook subcommittee
Freshman English Policy Committee Minutes 9 March 1983


Minutes , report, and agenda


Mary Traschel
Michael King


25 March 1983
9 March 1983


A Freshman English Policy Committee (FEPC) agenda from 25 March 1983, textbook committee report, and FEPC minutes from 9 March 1983 given to John Ruszkiewicz.

Agenda items: Text adoption, Assistant Director position, new E 306 syllabus, and "Gannaway matter" added by hand.

FEPC Minutes 9 March 1983: Textbook selection discusses, Sledd's two amendments were defeated by University Council, concerns addressed over Gloria Gannaway's choice of text in a variant course. In attendance: Ruskiewicz, Jolliffe, Hay, Merritt, King, LeClercq, and Trachsel.

Items discussed at meeting: Defeat of Sledd's amendments at University Council, textbook approval


Item sets