A staffing shortage has begun to affect the undergraduate English curriculum. Dramatic measures are considered, including having students defer their writing classes to semesters other than when the classes are intended to be taken. James Sledd continues to be vocal and public in his arguments against the university's newly chosen emphasis on research, and urges a return to a focus on teaching. State representative John Hoestenbach (D-Odessa) proposes legislation (HB 833) to limit the teaching roles of TAs. UT's General Faculty Council passes legislation intended to preclude HB 833. Meanwhile, an ad hoc University Council committee considers the issue of student writing effectiveness, ultimately urging to keep the 9-hour English requirement, but to refine it. Throughout the year, the Freshman English Policy Committee (FEPC) is intensely discussing issues related to TA training, apprenticeship, and mentoring, as well as curricular issues, particularly those related to E 308. The English Department continues to experience staffing shortages and considers alternate ways to cover courses, but with no substantive changes to staffing plans during 1977.
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Report from the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Change in the Plan I, B.A. Lower-Division English Requirement