Rogers Defends TA System Before Hostile Subcommittee
Rogers Defends TA System Before Hostile Subcommittee
Ron Hutcheson
31 August 1977
Hutcheson, Ron. “Rogers Defends TA System Before Hostile Subcommittee.” Daily Texan 31 August 1977, p. 1.
Front-page article reporting UT President Rogers’s testimony before the TX House, defending the TA program.
Several TX legislators are quoted, repeating Sledd’s allegation that 398T was a sham course, instituted to allow graduate students to take 9 credit hours without really offering 9 hours of instruction. Legislators also criticize faculty who spend too much time on their research and not enough time teaching.
Front-page article reporting UT President Rogers’s testimony before the TX House, defending the TA program.
Several TX legislators are quoted, repeating Sledd’s allegation that 398T was a sham course, instituted to allow graduate students to take 9 credit hours without really offering 9 hours of instruction. Legislators also criticize faculty who spend too much time on their research and not enough time teaching.